Adventures in Germany

Jumelanio, Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio arrived at Donauursprung to see the conjunction of Breg and Brigach River and witness the birth of the Danube River. They enjoyed seeing a lot of nature in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) area and found out that there's nothing really Black there. The name came due to the amount of trees and their canopies shadowing the region. It was more of a dark forest than black.

They headed north to visit some of the most famous car manufacturing companies and museums in Stuttgart. Then each one of them took a car and enjoyed driving fast at Autobahns. Jumelanio was driving a sports car, Lambisgoio a luxury car and Xilosfenio a convertible. They headed to Munchen via A8, but now they couldn't drive fast because of all the traffic.

München was crowded, it was the end of September and Oktoberfest was in full motion. There were large tents everywhere with long wood tables and bands playing folk music. It was a great way to finish the visit.