Adventures in Iguazu Falls

Jumelanio, Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio headed to a place where three countries were split by a River - Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. When they first arrived they saw the obelisks in each country painted with their flags colors - Green and Yellow, Blue and White and Red, White and Blue. It was a fantastic scenery and great white to start this trip.

Then they headed to a man built Hydro Electric Power Station at Itaipu River. There they took a double decker bus to see the details of that construction and had the opportunity to go inside and to cross the top of it. Half of it in Paraguay and half of it in Brazil

To finish this great trip there was only was place to see, and when they arrived they became astonished. The Iguazu Falls! Over 250 hundred water falls and the magnificent Devil's Throat. It wasn't raining that day, but there were several options to get wet - a walkway in the middle of the falls as well as a boat ride that went close to the bottom of the falls.