Adventures in Australia

Jumelanio, Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio were thrilled, they were heading to a country the size of a continent and surrounded by water.

Starting the day in the early morning at Bondi Beach to surf, admire the graffitis and understand the health and sports life of Sidney locals.

Then head north to check the Great Barrier Reef one of the natural wonders of Earth. The colors, the size and the wildlife species living there were amazing. It wasn't similar to anything they've seen before.


After so much water, they couldn't believe they would find desert in the middle of the country. And a special a spiritual place like a mountain in the center of flat land - Uluru. They heard the story about Kuniya and Liru and the Anangu culture. At night they had the opportunity to see the Field of Lights a man made wonder right next to the mountain.