Adventures in Greece

Jumelanio, Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio started their visit to Greece at the top. Actually at Acropolis the highest point of Athens where there are several ancient constructions like the famous Parthenon. It was the temple built for the goddess of war Athena, who was also responsible for the city protection. Greeks used to build this fortress cities and temples in the highest mountain of the city usually to protect them and to pay homage to their gods. There are other Acropolis in greece and some other countries, but Acropolis of Athens is probably the most famous.

This time while Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio decided to follow the way to Marathon, Jumelanio went to the opposite side to visit the city of Olympia the birthplace of the ancient Olympian Games. Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio went to Marathon and came back running following the steps of Pheidippides who did it first to announce the news of the greek victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon. While Jumelanio was visiting the remains of Olympia and learning a lot about the Ancient Games that were held every four years, and usually a time of truce between enemies in war to dispute the honor of the games and the olive leaf crowns, known as Kotinos.

After all that sport they reunited for dinner at the southern island of Santorini to eat, chill and enjoy the beautiful blue Aegean Sea in contrast with the White Cube ceilings. They had it all; Moussakas, Dolmadakia, Tomatokeftedes and of course a taste of local Fava.