Adventures in Peru

Jumelanio, Lambisgoio and Xilosfenio started their trip in Lima, the capital of Peru. They had the taste of the great fusion cuisine of Peru and Japan with Sushi, Fish, Avocado and also the famous Ceviche while drinking Chicha Morada a traditional local corn juice in the Larcomar coast of Miraflores.

Then They headed to the Andes Mountains to visit the Inca Trail from Cuzco and el pueblo de Machu Picchu. It was a city built high in the Mountains by the Inca to serve as a retreat to the King and the Nobles of the Incan Empire and it was only found in 1911. It sits at 2430 Meters above sea level and El Santuarico Historico is one of the most famous and most photographed places. But there are several places to visit around Aguas Callientes (Hot Waters), Humantay Laguna and Vinicunca the 7 Colors Mountain.

They did most of the travels in the region by Train, it was their first time using and they became very happy eating, relaxing and viewing all the scenery in the large windows. That made this trip to the Sacred Valley even more special.